July 28, 2022

Understanding Unconscious Bias: Part 2


The Alliance’s pledge is to continue to build and offer resources and training for leaders and emerging professionals in their journey to better understand DEI in their personal and professional lives.  This session is the second in our 2 part series around understanding unconscious bias.

Join Ericka DeBruce, Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer at Unum along with Kimberly George, AWWC Board President, as they have an open conversation around unconscious bias.  This session’s agenda will include:

  • The Impact of Our Unconscious
    • Micro-Messages
    • Micro-affirmations and micro-inequities
  • Unconscious Bias Mitigation
    • Intent versus Impact
    • The Power of Storytelling


Keynote Speaker: Ericka DeBruce Founder and Principal Consultant EDB Consulting

Ericka founded EDB Consulting in January 2016 because of her love for designing inclusive cultures where everyone, regardless of their difference, is valued and engaged. Ericka has held leadership positions where she was responsible for diversity, inclusion, employee engagement and corporate citizenship at organizations including Sedgwick, International Paper, BAE Systems, American Red Cross, Blood Services, American Cancer Society, and Talbots, Inc. Currently she is the Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer at Unum headquartered in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Her specialty is creating safe learning experiences where employees can make connections and engage in dialogue that create culture change thru her deep understanding of human behavior and use of humor. Ericka holds a degree in Speech Communication from Bradley University located in Peoria, Illinois and a Strategic Diversity and Inclusion Management Certification from Georgetown University located in Washington D.C.